The Amish believe that Christian values require them to shun evil.  In their way of thinking this includes many of the values promoted by urban culture, modern living and contemporary media.  The Amish practice humility and a separation from the modern world through many of their choices, including their clothing styles.

For the Amish, fashion styles should be simple and based on functionality, not show. Most of their clothing tends to be darker in color, they often wear browns, greys, blacks, and different shades of blue, wine or purple. Younger children often wear lighter colors. They favor plain styles.

The men also traditionally wear hats. Many have three hats. They have a black work hat that they wear in the winter, a straw hat for the summertime and a special hat for Sundays.  

When Michael photographed the Amish, he learned that the men wore their hats almost all the time. The only time that Michael saw them with their hats off was during lunch. They would pitch their jackets in a pile and toss their hats on top.

Michael asked the group he was photographing if he could buy their hats. They told him they weren't supposed to sell them. He then asked them how much the hats cost and one young man said $16.00. He had the oldest looking hat (top right in the picture).  Michael offered him $20 for the hat. Michael said he would really like to buy the hat and that the young man could keep the change. The man sold Michael the hat. Later in the day, one of the other young men came over and sold Michael his hat as well. ⁠
